

VermiPoop was develop as a solution to reducing unnecesary Chemicals in our food. Chemical Fertilizing Products do not follow the way Nature creates an ecosystem and interferes with some of the components in the soil that benefit your plant. 

The way we designed our product is to recreate the way nature fertilizes the soil by using the ecosystem that involves: Rain Water without chemicals, Worms eating and diggesting organic food, sugar, and oxigen to promote and stimulate beneficial bacteria growth in the solution. 

How does the product work? 

By working with the cycle as nature intends: We feed the Worms Organic food, the fertilize the soil and we make the fertilizer out of the fertlized soil adding sugar (food for microbes), rain water and Oxigen (Stimulates the growth of healthy microbes). 

The final product is a ready to use Worm Casting Tea that provides benefits right away to your plants.  

Currently our Fertilizer comes in 32 Onze Bottles:

The following are the attributes of the Product and Benefits for the Soil and Plants:

  1. Does not sterilize the soil and or kill any beneficial bacteria or microorganism within the soil.
  2. 100% Organic Chemical Free
  3. Made with Simple Ingredients you can understand: Rain Water, Sugar, Worm Hummus and Oxigen. 
  4. Up to 200% of growth from the Fertilizer
  5. Adds Nutrients to the Soil: Nitrogen, Calcium Potasium and Beneficial Microorganisms.
  6. Safe for all Plants: Will not burn plant if used in excess by accident
  7. Bio Control: It helps keep away harmful bacteria and fungus that hurt the plant and roots.
  8. Pesticide: Helps keep away some of the harmful insects and plagues that could affect your crop.
  9. Adds hormones to your plants: Auxins and Gibbelleric Acid.
  10. Adds Enzymes: Phosphatase and Cellulase. 

Instructions for usage:

  1. Spray driectly to plant and soil near roots
  2. Recommeded by monthly spray to plants
  3. Storage of the fertilizer needs to be out of sunlight, this is a live product and uv rays kill the microbes within the product if left to the sun exposed in long periods of time.

For more information you can visit the product homepage by clicking here!

Get in touch

872 Arch Ave.
Chaska, Palo Alto, CA 55318
ph: +1.123.434.965

Work inquiries
ph: +1.321.989.645